
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ladies Missionary Conference!

Hi Everyone! Sorry, I know I haven't posted in a looong time. It's been really busy with school and everything....! Anyway, this past weekend was the 62nd annual Ladies Missionary Conference, and I had the blessing of attending. It was very encouraging! The theme this year was "We are the Vessels", the speakers did great presenting their work to everyone! In every presentation, they showed how from their love for others, many heard the Gospel. Even if you feel like you can't do much to be a blessing in others' lives, don't worry! God can use your life in many ways that you never imagined possible if you just ask Him! One way to start is, just see where you are gifted. What do others complement you for, and in what areas are you just naturally talented? You can use those gifts to really make a difference. You don't have to go all the way across the World to be a missionary--just look around...there are many needs in the US! For example, one of the speakers at the conference presented how she saw the many refugees moving into an apartment area, and she prayerfully moved in to one of the apartments herself. She started a Breakfast Club with the Girls there, where every Saturday they had a fun breakfast together, and afterwards studied the Bible. Through this, many girls' lives were touched by God's love! Besides, you never know the difference you can make on a person's life without you even knowing it!!! Along with great speakers, it was nice to see friends there that I haven't seen in a looooong time!! After the conference, there were jars filled with candy (yum! :) ) and had one magnet with a Bible verse.

My friend Ruthie & I

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds really fun!! It's good to know that we can change the world just by accepting God and spreading His word. And knowing that God thinks everyone's worth it. Thanks for posting!!! -Kate :)
