There's this quote, "Pray before you plan, not the other way around." Yeah.... I've had to learn that the hard way. :P This season in my life has been extremely crazy, and just it's been stressful in every angle. The problem is, I always try to figure things out completely on my own. I wanna plan my future the WAY I want it, HOW I want it, and in MY timeframe. I want to have complete control of my life. But every time I get in that worry-trap, trust's not pretty. God is so patient and He's constantly reminding me: anxiety and worrying over the future is not going to change a thing.....He wants us to just have complete surrender and to TRUST Him!! It's SO hard. But it's so worth it. It's such a comfort to remember that He is God, and I am not. He has a plan, and nothing is going to stop that plan from happening. If you are going through a stressful time or anything, I would highly encourage you to pray (even if you don't feel like it!!) It really does help!! I am SO not perfect....but I have a God who IS perfect and He is so patient and loving!! He is reminding me that He has every single itty bitty detail planned out, and He just wants us to surrender and to have faith over fear. This song came on the radio this morning, and was so convicting!!! I pray this will encourage you as much as it did for me. Much love